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  • Choosing Research Proposal Topics: 10 Suggestions
19 Apr

Choosing Research Proposal Topics: 10 Suggestions

by admin

You are about to choose a research proposal topic; stop there for a minute. The choice of topic for the research proposal can make the difference between pass and failure or between average grades and top grades. So you have to take extra measure before you jump into the search for a good research topics.

5 things to remember while choosing a research topic

  1. Making a list of your favorite research proposal topics can be a good way to get started. If your instructor mentioned some limitations, stay in that framework. Make your list as large as you can, then zero down on two or three most preferable topics and initiate your basic research.
  2. Only when you are certain that you have plenty of background information then select your favorite subject. The idea is to choose a topic that you prefer over other subjects as well as you have plenty of research material on it.
  3. Imagine your instructor reading your research proposal topic that is 25th research topic on the same subject. It might be a topic you love and you have plenty of information on it. If it is super popular, it is wise that you switch over to the second preferred topic that has not been used hundred times.
  4. If you are determined to use the popular topics, look for a fresh angle. It does not matter how popular the topics it is, the key to success is to find a new approach.
  5. Outline the ideas you plan to make in your research proposal after conducting the first primary research. Keep that draft in front of you when you write the research proposal.

Now moving to the next level, if you need help with essay writing, here you get the chance to refer to 10 research proposal topics of different disciplines,

10 research proposal topics:

  1. Improving local labor market performance in UK: The role of family and friendship support networks
  2. Global and regional numerical dynamic models for ocean state forecast
  3. Diagnostic study using satellite data to understand atmospheric and oceanic process near ocean surface
  4. Financial performance within management accounting and strategy
  5. The role of logistics in establishing regional clusters and economic activity
  6. What can be done to reduce the theft, assault, vandalism, verbal and physical harassments, fighting and other issues that hinder student from learning: a reflective study in the causes, effects of these actions
  7. The evolvement, importance and practice of integrating marketing communications in SMEs: a one-nation perspective
  8. Application of critical system practice in the development of joint service provision within the policing and community safety sector
  9. Educational programmes that use cooperative learning, peer tutoring or technology, particularly in early childhood education and early literacy
  10. Strategic management practices in the local authorities in Malaysia.

Whenever you decide on a topic, make a plan: how you are going to present the topic, how you present your claim, what will be your methodology and more. This will keep you on track and help you to stick to the topic.

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