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25 Jan

Want to Write Fast and Complete Your Assignments on Time? Get Instant Help from Experts

by admin

Nearing deadlines can give students panic attacks. During your course, you will often find yourself in a situation where you need to complete an assignment within a few hours. Butterflies in the stomach already? Don’t! Just relax because it is completely do-able. Not only can you complete an assignment within few hours, but also can produce a paper that you can be proud of. Read this fast assignment help guide in order to make yourself deadline-ready.

Time allocation Table:

‘Either you run the day or the day runs you’

  • Jim Rohn, an American Entrepreneur

Mostly we get bullied by time while thinking we still control it. It is the most precious resources in the world but we never get enough of it. We are always in crisis. So you need to make most of it. Here is a timetable to use few hours efficiently and wisely.

Area Time
Planning 10% of the whole time
Researching 20% of the whole time
Structuring 5% of the whole time
Writing 25% of the whole time
Revising 10% of the whole time

Note: there is no thumb rule to compose an assignment; this is an ideal chart to allocate time in different sectors of assignments. But students can easily tweak the timetable according to requirements and also use the remaining time for editing and proofreading.

Steps to Complete Assignments Fast

Here are the steps to save you from the upcoming disaster which is missing the deadline:

Ask yourself ‘Do I know about the subject?’

If the answer is ‘yes’ then go to the next step. If the answer is ‘no’, then spend 10-20 minutes to get an overview of the subject. It is extremely significant because without knowing about the subject, students cannot conduct an in-depth research. So first know the subject and then carry on with the other steps.

Prepare yourself for the worst:

No doubt, you are going to do your best not to miss the deadline, but it gets easier when you accept the fact that you will not be able to hand in the paper on time. Moreover, you need to bear the feeling of a failure and accept that it is not the end of the world. If you think you are falling behind the deadline, you should make an attempt to convince your professors to delay the deadline. The reason is if you announce that you don’t have the assignment after the deadline, your professors would take some serious actions against you. Alternatively, you can hire professional assignment experts for getting the assignment done on time.

Come up with fresh ideas:

Gather all researched data, reading materials, and notes in order to figure out the ideas that should be the foundation of the assignment. Do not rush with this step and take your time. You need to think carefully about the author’s arguments. The reason is there is no good paper without a good idea. Once you decide the approach of your paper, you should move on to the next stage.

Avoid plagiarizing the paper:

While having a few hours left for submission, students tend to rip off the text from different sources. It leads them to commit the sin of plagiarism. If you get caught plagiarizing, you will definitely regret it. So, record all necessary information of each reference that you plan to use in your paper like name of the author, date of publication, name of the publication house, page number. Recording information can save hours of work for you.

Closely read and re-read research material:

Go through the relevant parts of the text to locate quotes and evidence to flesh out each body paragraphs. Make an outline while mentioning all major points along with all quotes and evidence. After making this outline, you need to elaborate the ideas in the light of the selected evidence and data. It eventually makes the writing process easier for you.

Write the main-body paragraphs:

Main body paragraphs consume 70% of the whole assignment. So it is important that you pay enough attention to this section. Leave the introduction part for later because it is the first section that your audience read, so it should be impactful. After writing the main body, you easily understand what ideas and thoughts go into the introduction.

Conclude the essay:

After perfecting the introduction, concentrate on the last paragraph of the essay which is the conclusion. Remember one thing that conclusion is not mere a summary of the ideas, but it is a reflection of the writer’s opinions on the topic. You can use the introduction as a guide to writing the conclusion part. But it should be more than the introduction. After summarizing the major ideas in the paper, remind your readers the significance of analyzing certain topic. It gives them the sense of accomplishment. Get help in essay writing by online essay writers, with their essay help online you can score very good marks

Get some sleep:

You have toiled enough to reach this stage. So give yourself a break. Take a nap and clear your mind. You cannot stress this part enough. If you are feeling too energized to sleep, you can get some food or maybe do some jumping jacks. If you are planning to sleep, remember to set an alarm so that you do not oversleep. If you set alarm to go off during deep sleep, you will probably feel groggy after waking up. So try to get 45-minutes sleep at least.

Revise the content:

This is ‘go time’. After taking a break, you will definitely feel better. Now you need to keep your eyes out for sentences that seem unclear, points that need more clarity, the structure of the assignment and sentence construction, spelling and grammar mistakes, etc. You may need to read the content twice in order to make it perfect. Do not forget to double-check all used references and carelessly placed words. If you are running out of time, you can avail help from professional assignment help services for editing and proofreading.

Stop looking for answers. Remember you have everything that takes to complete a task on time. So, Good luck!

Posted in Assignment help | Tagged assignment help,assignment help services,do my assignment,fast assignment help,help with assignment