


What is CDR and How to Write It?


While we have already told you that it stands for Competency Demonstration Report, CDR is a lot more than just an acronym. CDR is not applicable for native Australians and is only required if you are an immigrant from a nation, which is not a signatory or a member of the Sydney Accord, the Washington… Read the full article

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Tips for Preparing CDR Report for Electronics Engineer


Australia has a huge requirement for Electronics Engineers. You should be skilled in designing, organizing, operating and maintaining all the manufacturing activities. However, the first document that is needed for the engineers who are applying for jobs in Australia is the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). A CRD also involves the development of three Career Episode… Read the full article

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Plan to Study in Australia? Hire the Best CDR Writers for Yourself


If you happen to be a budding engineer, you must have wished to study abroad and must have considered applying to foreign universities. Now, when it comes to studying abroad, Australia happens to be one of the top go-to destination for students, other than UK and US. However, not many know that for engineering aspirants… Read the full article

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