Work Cover SA’s strategic plan 2011-16

The Compensation Scheme or the Scheme and Rehabilitation of the workers in Southern Australia are managed by WorkCoverSA.They, in case of injury caused to the employees or workers at the workplace, providethem protection and rehabilitation.

The mission of Work Cover SA is to accomplish the paramount outcomes for workers who have injuries, the employers and the community of South Australia.

The Work Cover SAtargets to compensate and rehabilitate the workers with injuries due to injury at then workplace, and then return them a workplaces and community that is safer.The workerswith injuries can get well and also get back to the normal life, just the positive attitude and the correct support is required. The key objective of the scheme is to surge the return to work rates of the South Australian workers. This is the responsibility of everyone working in this organisation and they play their role properly.

The organisation manages the South Australian workers’scheme of compensation and rehabilitation in the best interests ofaround 50,000 employers and also around 430,000 employees. There are near about 70 employers who are self-insured, and also the State-run public sector interventions, which under similar laws, manages their claims on their own. The organisation was arranged under the WorkCover Corporation Act 1994, which is managed by a Board of Directors that was selected by the South Australian Governor. Philip Bentley is presently the chairperson of the organisation.

The organisation comes up with strategic plans every five years. Observing the past performance of the strategic plans, it can be expected that the current plan is a good one and it would help the organisation to fulfil its objective of providing compensation and rehabilitation to the workers that are injured in the workplace.

The strategic plan for the period of 2011-16 was published in May 2011 by the Work Cover SA. The plan consisted of four main objectives that would help the organisation to define their success in the future. The goals of the strategic plans are workers who have suffered injuries should continue at work or elsecome back to work according to their supremeability, the employers, the providers and the workers should be able to meet up to their responsibilities and then work hand-in hand together actively to bringa proper prevention of injury at the workplace and the management of injury outcomes, and finallya Schemewhich is financially sustainable,specialised, an organisation that is achievement-focused (Australian Government 2011).


The success of the strategic plan would be measured in the following ways. There has to be a gradualincreaseof 3% in the return to work rate every year at the 26th, the 52ndand the 104th weeks. There also needs to be an improved engagement between the worker and the employer, againthere has to be an increase of 5% in self-insurers who would be achieving renewal registration in 3 years and the appropriate actions also have to be undertaken on 95% of section 58B/C. When this is achieved, it can be assumed that the first and the second goals are achieved.


To achieve the third goal there has to be an 80% ratio of scheme funding has to be achieved by the year 2014-15, and then further increase to the range of 90-110% by June 2017.


The final goal of becoming an achievement-focused and professional organisationcan be achieved when the previous goals are fulfilled. Also, there needs to be efficient management of injury and OHS at their workplace that has to be aligned with self-insured standards and application of acombined organisational competence framework by the end of 2013.

The organisation has set up twelve strategies in order to achieve the already set up goals in the years 2011-16 achieve these goals over the next five years, the organisation will focus on delivering the already laid 12 strategies which consist ofeffective application of the plan which is already agreed from the Walsh report in 2010, implementing a neweremployer payment system especially for premium, information on leverage, technology  and systems for communication and the capability to maintain the business outcomes, influencing behaviour of extraordinary cost and risk employers to recover outcomes, improving the skills, engagement and services of people who contribute for the delivering the better outcomes for workers who areinjured in workplace and their employers, providing training prospectsfor leverage and market gaps of labour for the advantage of workers with injuries and their employers, focusing on education and regulation for the employers, providers and workers in meeting their obligations of legislative nature, undertaking a novellegal and agent-contract process, maintaining a judiciousinvestment package which are risk-based, ensuring that the employers are recorded and have to reimbursement their right align, develop, levy and enhance Work Cover’s capability of organising and finallycontinuously improving the organisation’s workplace safety, health and well-being systems(Works Cover SA 2011).

Over the past one year, the organisation has been working well to achieve its objectives. It has been able to achieve various aspects of the strategic plan by the end of the previous year. Some of the achievements in the year 2010-11 are funds at the scheme on30thJune 2011 amounted to 64.8 per cent, average rate of levy wouldbe remainingsame at 2.75 per cent in the year 2011-2012, the organisation alsoattainedrelease of an actual amount of $41 million on a contraryof a one-year target which was of $76 million. The actuarial release of $330 million was achieved against the organisation’s three-year cumulative strategic plan target which was of $225 million, the organisation’s outstanding claims liability had beenincreased to $2.66 billion, the organisation’sselection of investment also a return on investment of about 10.4 per cent was recorded, Work Cover’s liability that was not funded from any source was reduced to $952 million, following a profit that amounted $30.2 million, it was recorded an amountof 18,634 claims that were incurred from workers who were employed by employers that were registered, it was also recorded that there were 6,036 income maintenance claims that had been incurred from the workers who were employed by employers who were registered, claims of 9,350 were incurred from workers that were employed by employers who were self-insured, and there were 2,320 claims of income maintenance that were incurred from workers who were employed by employers who were self-insured, also there were 6,380 active claims of income maintenance on 30th June 2011, and about 77 per cent of workers with injurieswho have returned to their workplace within two weeks of their injuryor did not lose time off work.








Reference list

Australian Government, 2011, Australian National Preventive Health Agency, Commonwealth of Australia, Strategic Plan 2011-2015.

Works Cover SA, 2011, Government of Australia, Strategic Plan 2008 – 2011.

Works Cover SA, Government of Australia, viewed on 23 May 2012,



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